+971569534772 Dubai and Sharjah
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When vision meets expectation in MENA Dr. Shajir Gaffar Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil John Sunil Prof.Humaid Al-Shamsi,MB(IRL),MRCP(UK),FRCP(Canada) ,FACP(USA) Fellowship program in Surgical Oncology Mena VPS Oncology & Surgery in MENA through Burjeel Cancer Institute(BCI) Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates, Oman and Iraq are the HUB of Innovation That’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai #MENA VPS &
Colon Cáncer in UAEEarly detection and screeningIncidence in UAE MenaVPS Oncology & Surgery in MENA through Burjeel Cancer Institute(BCI) Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates, Oman and Iraq are the HUB of InnovationThat’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai#MENAVPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and
We are rolling for Burjeel MedicalCity Oncology ProgramResearch in progressAll subspecialization were completed MenaVPS Oncology & Surgery in MENA through Burjeel Cancer Institute(BCI) Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates, Oman and Iraq are the hubs of InnovationThat’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai#MENAVPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality