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29 Jan

Parathyroid diseases.

Parathyroid Disease (1)

A fruitful first day of virtual PAOS Webinar
28 Jan

A fruitful first day of virtual PAOS Webinar

A fruitful first day of virtual PAOS Webinar Excellent job done by our distinguished moderators and speakers Congratulations to all Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates are the HUB of Innovation That’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai #MENA VPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality of patient

لشراكة لتطوير تشخيص أمراض السرطان
08 Jan

لشراكة لتطوير تشخيص أمراض السرطان

Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates are the HUB of Innovation That’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai #MENA VPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and support through our strong #SurgicalOncology fellowship program With free second opinion and with international figures #CancerCareSpecialtiesMena

Great job our team , Merry Christmas ??
اقتراح لإنشاء مركز مرجعى لعلاج السرطان فى الامارات
06 Jan

اقتراح لإنشاء مركز مرجعى لعلاج السرطان فى الامارات

Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates are the HUB of Innovation That’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai #MENA VPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and support through our strong #SurgicalOncology fellowship program With free second opinion and with international figures #CancerCareSpecialtiesMena

05 Jan

BMC , Burgeel medical city , Dr Sadir Alrawi Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates are the HUB of Innovation That’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai #MENA VPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and support through our strong #SurgicalOncology fellowship program With free second opinion and with international figures

Burjeel health system is leading the cutting edge technologies with experts in cancer care across the UAE ??????
05 Jan

Burjeel health system is leading the cutting edge technologies with experts in cancer care across the UAE 🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪

Burjeel health system is leading the cutting edge technologies with experts in cancer care across the UAE 🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪 Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Northern Emirates are the HUB of Innovation That’s what we support in our daily practice in #Dubai #MENA VPS & affiliated oncology Centers High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through

04 Jan

٤٢٠٠ مريضا بالسرطان سنويا و القولون والثدى الأكثر انتشارا

4200 مريض بالسرطان سنوياً.. والقولون والثدي الأكثر انتشاراً #medicine #oncology #publichealth #cancerresearch #breastcancer #clinicalresearch #research #dubaihealthcare #cancerprevention #clinicaltrials #digitalhealth #medical #science #diabetes #cancer #dubai2020 #meetings

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