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الورشة التوعوية عن سرطان المستقيم
26 Aug

Colon Cancer & Liver Metástasis in MENA.

Colon Cancer & Liver Metástasis in MENA Dr. Sadir Alrawi American Boarded Surgical Oncologist from RoswellPark, New York & Dr. Humaid Alshamsi American Boarded GI Oncologist from MD Anderson discussing the challenges and debates High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and support through our strong #SurgicalOncology fellowship program.

We are proud of Dr. Humaid Alshamsi
25 Aug

We are proud of Dr. Humaid Alshamsi

We are proud of Dr #HumaidAlshamsi and his leadership in taking the #oncologyresearch of MENA a step forward His input in #AlzahraDubai & All affiliated Oncology Centers in MENA is invaluable He created the ownership in oncology practice with our team help and support to build the first free-standing transparent oncology private practice. Salute him

Major Liver resection discharged after 5 days from Cancer Care Specialties, UAE
21 Aug

Major Liver resection discharged after 5 days from Cancer Care Specialties, UAE.

“It is the mind that maketh good or ill, That maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor.” Major Liver resection discharged after 5 days from Cancer Care Specialties, UAE Dubai & Abu Dhabi are the hubs of Innovation That’s what we practice and support in our daily practice in #AlzahraDubai in #MENA High standard of

Major Debulking surgery for advanced abdominal cancer with heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy
20 Aug

Major Debulking surgery for advanced abdominal cancer with heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy.

Major Debulking surgery with double colectomies, omentectomy, peritonectomy, hysterectomy & bilateral salingooophertectomy from appendecial carcinomatisis with Our Gyn & urological team in UAE fir 10 hours surgery followed by HIPEC is blessing for all Dubai & Abu Dhabi are the hubs of Innovation That’s what we practice and support in our daily practice in #AlzahraDubai

Love & Care in life
19 Aug

Love & Care in life

Love & Care in life Dubai & Abu Dhabi are the hubs of Innovation That’s what we practice and support in our daily practice in #AlzahraDubai in #MENA High standard of technical skills, quality of patient selection through #MDT and support through our strong #SurgicalOncology fellowship program.

13 Aug

Thyroid Surgery in center of excellence in UAE.

Thyroid Surgery in center of excellence in UAE Be satisfied in your quality of care Outpatient Thyroid surgery.

Types of bone cancer
Sentinel lymph node biopsy for breadth cancer
High Support for difficult and tough Oncology Surgery in Alzahra Dubai

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