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Gynecologic Cancer Oncologist UAE | Gynecological Oncology Center Dubai

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Gynecological Oncology Center Dubai, UAE

Gynecological Oncology Center in Dubai
What is gynecologic cancer?

Gynecologic cancer is a cancer of the female reproductive system that affects a woman’s reproductive organs, including the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina, and vulva. According to research American Cancer Society estimates each year, approximately 106,000 women are diagnosed with gynecologic cancer.

Ovarian Cancer Dubai
Gynecological Oncology Center

Ovarian Cancer Testing Center in DubaiWho is a gynecologic oncologist?

A Gynecologic oncologist is a physician. These are the physician who has undergone training in
obstetrics and gynecology, and they have an additional three to four years of training in gynecologic cancers including advanced surgery techniques and chemotherapy administration.

Neuro Spinall Hospital cancer center has the best gynecologic oncologists in Dubai, they have passed a medical specialty examination by one of several recognized boards of specialists.

In short, they are board-certified in gynecologic oncology, as well as obstetrics and gynecology obstetrics by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Our team – Gynecological Oncology Center Dubai 

  • Neuro Spinal Hospital cancer center provides the best Gynecologic Cancer Oncologist UAE.
  • Our oncologists work firmly with gynecologic pathologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.
  • Our team approach of involving multiple specialists can be the most important factor in cancer treatment.
  • The Neuro Spinal Hospital Cancer Center understands the concerns and uncertainty a diagnosis of cancer can bring.
  • Our team additionally includes nurse navigators, chemotherapy coordinators, and social employees who will provide supportive care and patient education.
  • Our multidisciplinary team is here to assist you throughout this difficult time.

Points of Interest to Patients

  • International high standard of care for gynecologic cancer
  • Latest updates on guidelines in gynecology cancer treatment
  • Accurate diagnosis, latest advanced surgical techniques, leading-edge targeted treatments
  • Multidisciplinary teamwork and decisions
  • Center of Excellence for gynecologic oncology cases
  • Minimal invasive surgery with shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery
  • Complicated cases of ovarian and cervical cancer
  • Treating cases of recurrent gynecologic cancers.
  • Expert center for gynecologic cancers and second opinion on complicated cases
  • High-risk patients and surgeries in cancer patients
  • Intraoperative frozen section evaluation
  • Debulking surgery for ovarian cancer and iliac and paraaortic lymph nodes dissection
  • Radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer with lymph nodes dissection
  • Trachelectomy for early cervical cancer treatment
  • Adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy for gynecologic cancers
  • Genetic Testing for familial ovarian cancer predisposition
  • HIPC (Heated Intra Peritoneal Chemo perfusion) for advanced cases of ovarian cancer
  • Special post-operative care for patients by a dedicated team specially trained for oncology post-operative care
  • Special postoperative pain management plan.

Gynecological Oncology Pictures of Recently Performed Surgeries

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