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5 Ways to Heal Your Parathyroid Problem Naturally
11 Feb

5 Ways to Heal Your Parathyroid Problem Naturally

Worldwide, every year lakhs of people develop parathyroid conditions. If you’re a woman aged 50 and above and have the family history of kidney stones, calcium or vitamin deficiency, you’re at an increased risk of developing a parathyroid disease. If you are living in Dubai, UAE, and the Middle East, then Cancer Care Specialities MENA

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05 Feb

Pediatric Oncology – Types of Childhood Cancers

The field of pediatric oncology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancers in children and young adults. The type of cancer that a child may suffer is different from the cancers that adults suffer from. The doctors in pediatric oncology in Dubai-based Cancer Care Specialities MENA Department at Al Zahra Hospital have decades of

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