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ANAS K Dr. Shajir Gaffar Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil Prof.Humaid Al-Shamsi,MB(IRL),MRCP(UK),FRCP(Canada) ,FACP(USA) John Sunil Georgey Koshy | Cancer Care Center UAE

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    • ANAS K Dr. Shajir Gaffar Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil Prof.Humaid Al-Shamsi,MB(IRL),MRCP(UK),FRCP(Canada) ,FACP(USA) John Sunil Georgey Koshy
12 Oct

When performance exceeds expectation
When life is worthy for care not reputation
When you work quietly and save lives
When you work in atmosphere support your vision
When you are rewarded by praise of patients more than money

Burjeel Medical City quaternary referral center for complicated oncology and future transplants
All subspecislities beyond expectation
Sadir Alrawi & team of Surgery & Oncology in UAE & MENA
Biweekly MDT with excellent patient selection
Open access fellowship and training for all sub Specialties

ANAS K Dr. Shajir Gaffar Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil Prof.Humaid Al-Shamsi,MB(IRL),MRCP(UK),FRCP(Canada) ,FACP(USA) John Sunil Georgey Koshy