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03 Sep

METRNL (Meteorin-like) is a gene that encodes a secreted protein involved in various biological processes, including inflammation, immune response, and metabolism. Recent research suggests that METRNL might play a role in cancer progression and metastasis, although its specific mechanisms are still being studied.

Potential Roles of METRNL in Cancer Spread

1. Tumor Microenvironment Modulation: METRNL has been implicated in altering the tumor microenvironment, which can influence cancer cell survival and spread. It might affect the recruitment and activation of immune cells within the tumor, potentially promoting an environment that supports cancer growth and metastasis.

2. Immune Response: METRNL may play a role in modulating immune responses. In the context of cancer, it could influence how immune cells respond to tumors, possibly contributing to immune evasion strategies employed by cancer cells.

3. Angiogenesis: METRNL might be involved in promoting angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels), which is critical for tumor growth and metastasis. By supporting the development of new blood vessels, METRNL could help provide the necessary nutrients and oxygen for expanding tumors.

4. Metabolic Regulation: METRNL is also involved in metabolic processes, including lipid metabolism. Alterations in metabolism are a hallmark of cancer, and METRNL might contribute to the metabolic adaptations required for cancer cell survival and spread.

5. Inflammatory Signaling: METRNL has been linked to inflammatory pathways, which are known to play a role in cancer progression. Chronic inflammation can promote a pro-tumorigenic environment, and METRNL’s involvement in these pathways might influence cancer development and metastasis.














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