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New Cancer Management ! | Cancer Care Center UAE

24 يونيو

Personalized cancer vaccines represent a promising approach in oncology, aiming to tailor treatments to individual patients by targeting the specific mutations present in their tumors. Here’s an overview of how they work and their potential benefits:

How Personalized Cancer Vaccines Work:

1. Tumor Profiling: The process begins with a detailed analysis of the patient’s tumor. Next-generation sequencing techniques are used to identify specific mutations and neoantigens (new antigens formed by these mutations) unique to the tumor.

2. Vaccine Design: Based on the identified neoantigens, a vaccine is designed to elicit a strong immune response. This can involve peptides, RNA, DNA, or even dendritic cells that present these neoantigens to the immune system.

3. Vaccine Administration: The personalized vaccine is administered to the patient, often alongside other treatments like checkpoint inhibitors to enhance the immune response.

4. Immune Response: The vaccine stimulates the patient’s immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells displaying the neoantigens, ideally leading to the destruction of the tumor.

Current Research and Developments:

Research in personalized cancer vaccines is ongoing, with promising results from early-phase clinical trials. Notable efforts include mRNA-based vaccines, which have shown potential in targeting specific mutations in various cancers. Collaboration between biotechnology companies and research institutions is driving innovation in this field, with the hope of making personalized cancer vaccines a viable treatment option in the Future!
















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