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HIPEC TREATMENT | Cancer Care Center UAE

27 أغسطس

HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) is a cancer treatment that combines surgery with heated chemotherapy to treat cancers in the abdominal cavity, such as peritoneal carcinomatosis, ovarian cancer, and certain types of colorectal cancer. Here’s an overview of the treatment:


How HIPEC Works

1. Cytoreductive Surgery: The first step involves surgically removing as much of the visible tumor as possible. This is known as debulking surgery.

2. HIPEC Procedure: After the tumor is removed, a heated chemotherapy solution is delivered directly into the abdominal cavity. The solution is typically heated to about 42°C (107.6°F), which can enhance the effectiveness of the chemotherapy drugs.

3. Chemotherapy Circulation: The chemotherapy is circulated throughout the abdominal cavity for about 60-90 minutes, allowing it to reach microscopic cancer cells that may remain after surgery.

4. Draining and Closure: After the treatment, the chemotherapy solution is drained, and the incision is closed.

Benefits of HIPEC

• Targeted Treatment: HIPEC delivers chemotherapy directly to the area where cancer is located, reducing systemic side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy.

• Enhanced Efficacy: The heat enhances the absorption of chemotherapy by cancer cells and may damage the structure of cancer cells, making the treatment more effective.

Conditions Treated with HIPEC

• Peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer

• Ovarian cancer

• Appendiceal cancer

• Gastric cancer

• Mesothelioma

Considerations and Risks

• Complex Procedure: HIPEC is a highly specialized treatment, typically available only at certain cancer centers with expertise in this approach.

• Risks: As with any major surgery, risks include infection, bleeding, and complications related to the surgery itself. The heated chemotherapy can also cause side effects like pain, nausea, and temporary changes in bowel function.


The effectiveness of HIPEC varies depending on the type and stage of cancer, as well as the completeness of the cytoreductive surgery. Some studies suggest that HIPEC can improve survival rates in certain patient groups, though it’s not suitable for everyone.

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