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No Tobacco Day MAY 31st | Cancer Care Center UAE

10 Jun

World No Tobacco Day is observed on May 31 each year to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco use and advocate for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption. Here are the key points:

1. Purpose:

• Raise awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco on health.

• Promote tobacco cessation and prevention.

• Encourage governments to implement anti-tobacco policies.

2. Organized By:

• The World Health Organization (WHO).

3. Themes:

• Each year features a specific theme, such as “Tobacco and Lung Health” or “Commit to Quit,” to focus global efforts.

4. Activities:

• Public awareness campaigns.

• Educational events and community outreach.

• Advocacy for policy changes, like higher taxes on tobacco products, advertising bans, and smoke-free environments.

5. Global Impact:

• Highlights the health, economic, and environmental impacts of tobacco use.

• Encourages actions to reduce tobacco consumption and support those trying to quit.

World No Tobacco Day plays a crucial role in the global effort to combat the tobacco epidemic and its associated health risks.















